Does Israel know that the mossad offers free lessons in international organized terror and crimes to all rebels and radical movements, and that through their terror actions they are teaching them how to kidnap and murder Israelis in retaliation for the operations carried out by Israel in several countries of the world?
A series of terrorist operations have been carried out by Israel throughout the world alongside the israeli occupation crimes against the Palestinians which have lasted for over 63 years. The Israeli crimes in the Western world and the violation of the sovereignty and borders of other countries all pass in the silence of the world, the Security Council and the International community, exactly as if everyone is deaf, blind and dumb whenever Israel commits a new crime and terror.
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To illustrate the Israeli terrorism, I present the following summary of some crimes and
terror that were recently perpetrated by Israel in Western countries. The crimes were perpetrated under silence from the international and global World. The summary is followed by questions that need answers and clarifications from the Security Council and the governments that claim to be fighting against terrorism and International Organized Crimes. The questions are also addressed to the International public, the people who represent the future in their countries. It is also addressed to everyone who seeks the truth without deception or evasion. To these people who are interested in knowing the truth I would suggest that they submit these questions to their governments first, and secondly to the Israeli embassies in their countries.
Lesson of Terror & Organized Crime in Sudan: On Tuesday April 5, 2011, the
Sudanese government filed a complaint against Israel with the United Nations Security Council over the airstrike near the Port of Sudan which killed two people who were in a car. According to Sudanese sources, a foreign aircraft entered the African nation’s airspace from the Red Sea. In January 2009, Israeli aircraft hit a convoy of what they claimed were “arms smugglers” headed for Gaza.
Lesson of Organized Crime in Georgia: On April 1, 2011, Georgia sentenced two Israelis to jail, Ron Fuchs (פוקס רון) for seven years, and Zeev Frenkel (פרנקל זאב) for six and a half years, for bribing the Georgian deputy finance minister with seven million dollars. Ron and Zeef met with the deputy minister and offered him a bribe in exchange for convincing the government ministers not to oppose the results of the arbitration process in which Ron and Zeev were awarded nearly $100 million, but the Georgian government challenged the decision and did not transfer the money to the Israeli businessmen.
Lesson of Terror & Organized Crime in Ukraine: On 18, February 2011, the Israeli intelligence service mossad abducted in Ukraine Dr. Dirar Abu-Sisi. 42 years, the director of the Gaza power plant. The Ukrainian security services aided in the abduction operation and were conniving with the mossad. On Monday April 4, 2011, Abu Sisi was charged with being a “close confidant of the Hamas military leaders and instrumental in developing their rockets, including increasing their range and ability to pierce steel so as to penetrate armored vehicles and thus strike at soldiers”.
Engineer Abu Sisi is not a war criminal or a terrorist. In my opinion he is one of the
victims of Israel. Far more likely than him taking part in activities related to weapons is that he simply was abducted in order to hinder provision of electric energy to the Gaza strip, an act of collective punishment against the population of the Gaza strip. The real war criminals and terrorists are the mossad agents who kidnapped the engineer, drugged him, transported him to Tel Aviv and subjected him to all kind of torture to extract confessions in illegal and immoral ways. The affiliation of Abu Sissi to Hamas is not a crime which warrants putting him in prison. In 2006 more than half of Palestinians in the occupied territories, in the West Bank and Gaza voted for Hamas during the Legislative Council elections. This does not mean that those Palestinians belong to a terrorist organization and therefore should be arrested and imprisoned.
Abu Sisi strongly denied in court the Israeli allegation and charges of developing the missiles of Hamas. His denial came even after he was severely tortured at the hands of Israeli interrogators. In Israel there are thousands of Israeli engineers and war criminals who are working in the arms industry, and they develop advanced missiles and aircraft which are capable of destruction of the entire Middle East, not a tank!!
Furthermore, the Israelis war criminal experts developed more than 300
nuclear warheads at Dimona in “the Negev”, (al-Naqab). These missiles can kill millions of human beings in one second. Palestine suffers a significant risk of radiation because of Israel’s possession of nuclear reactors including the Dimona reactor, which has ended its useful life, and which will expose Palestine and the Palestinian people and neighboring countries to the serious dangers of radiation. Palestinian farmers from Yatta village south of Hebron in the West Bank have revealed that the Israeli military continues to bury nuclear waste in their farmlands at Al-Masafer near the armistice line in the West Bank.
Israel is a racist terrorist and zionist organization which occupies the Palestinian, Golan heights and Arab lands, and continues committing war crimes and aggression against the Arabs in Lebanon and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Israel uses internationally prohibited weapons such as white phosphorus and cluster bombs, weighing tons. The sophisticated weapons of Israel are not comparable to the “advanced humble rockets” of Hamas that could be compared to the rockets used in the age of cavemen.
- So who deserves a trial and criminalization, the electrical engineer Abu Sisi who insists on his innocence, or the Israeli generals, the war criminals and terrorists who killed thousands of civilians by dropping sophisticated bombs?
It is unfortunate that the civilized world keeps silent on kidnapping Abu Sissi, who was visiting his brother in a state that considers itself an “independent, civilized State.” The kidnapping of people is not characteristic of civilized nations and States, but it is a characteristic of terrorist states that behave like the mafia.
Whatever justification the Ukrainian government gives for its “help” by allowing the Israeli Mossad to kidnap Abu Sisi and use its country to commit a terrorist crime, the government is involved in the terror crime itself, and the officials of Ukraine must be treated in accordance to the provisions of international law relating to the crimes of international terrorism.
Lesson of Terror & Organized Crime in Emirats: Last year, on January 20, 2010, the mossad assassinated Hamas member Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in the Al-Bustan Rotana hotel in Dubai, and the assassination put dirt on the names of several countries. It is known, but denied by the respective authorities, that the mossad operates freely in the EU and other western countries. The assassination of Mohmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai was not the first International crime which Mossad death squads committed by using the fake or stolen European passports.
The Israeli mossad has long history of desecrating the laws of many European countries, where they have committed many assassinations using fake passports, and sometimes real ones. About 350,000 Israelis have double citizenship and hold EU and Israeli passports at the same time. The zionists of Israel have received logistical support from all the European and Western countries in which the mossad death squads have committed their crimes in the past cases.
Lesson of Terror & Organized Crime in Austria: In the early nineties of the last
century, on May 27, 1993, two elements of a mossad kidon unit (death squad) were killed in a motorcycle accident in Vienna while they were on a surveillance mission trailing the Iranian deputy minister of defense at that time, head of Iran’s “chemical warfare project”, Dr. Majid Abasfur, who was in Vienna carrying documents for an impending arms deal with an Israeli partner, Manbar, and a briefcase with money and documents about the missing Israeli air force pilot Ron Arad. The plan of the mossad death squad was to kill Dr. Abasfur, steal the documents and the money, and prevent the signing of the agreement for supplying Iran with tanks and chemical substances, which was supposed to be signed at the Vienna Marriot hotel that day.
Lesson of Terror and Organized Crime in New Zealand: On March 23, 2004,
New Zealand authorities captured two Israeli intelligence agents, Uriel Kelman (Urie) and Eli Cara, for trying to obtain a New Zealand passport. On July 15, 2004, they were sentenced to six months and were sent to Mt Eden Prison. The prisoners completed one-third of their six-month sentence in jail, and then were released and deported to Israel in October 2004. Both Kelman and Cara were members of the israeli intelligence service Mossad.
Lesson of Organized Crime in Kosovo: the Council of Europe accused the prime minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, of leading a group linked to organized crime and who is related to human rights violations and arms trafficking, as well as trafficking drugs and bodies. A number of Israelis who were involved in the group are wanted for international crimes in the trafficking of human organs.
Lesson of Terror & Organized Crime in Libya and Africa: Rafael “Rafram”
Haddad, 35, is a spy agent from Efrat squatter colony in the West Bank. He is a yeshiva (an extremist religious school) student and resident of the Efrat squatter colony and a military police officer in the Israeli army. He was asked in 2009 by the Jewish Agency, the so called “Orr Shalom”, center to go to places where smaller Jewish communities had existed in Libya and which his predecessors (other Israeli spies) had been unable to reach. The jewish Agency had sent some weeks earlier a French citizen in the same mission in Libya.
Haddad was warned by the Libyan intelligence to stop filming and to leave Libya, but he was caught in the same place a week after he had been warned off. The French jew had been arrested some weeks before the arrest of Haddad. French President Nicolas Sarkozy intervened to release the French citizen. He was released about two weeks after Haddad was arrested, and he informed the family of the Israeli spy Haddad in the Efrat squatter colony about his arrest.
According to the Israeli Hebrew newspapers, another Israeli spy was also arrested in the same mission in northern Africa. It appeared in the newspapers that the “Or Shalom” zionist organization accused the israeli foreign ministry of having leaked the arrest of Haddad in northern Africa, but the foreign ministry said that the leak of this information had come from Haddad’s family.
There are multiple examples to demonstrate the involvement of Israel in international organized crimes and terror, and the questions are:
- Does the Israeli “state” stand at the forefront of International terrorism and organized crimes, leading and financing the abductions, political assassinations, sea piracy, trafficking human organs, arming gangs, death squads, mafia and drugs?
- Who is the next victim listed on the Israeli plan of abduction after Dr. Dirar Abu-Sisi, 42 years, the director of the Gaza power plant who was kidnapped on February 18, 2011, in Ukraine?
- Who is the next victim listed on the Mossad plan of assassination after the International terror assassination of Hamas leader, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh who was murdered on January 20, 2010, in the Al-Bustan Rotana hotel in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates?
- In which state will Israel implement its new crime of terror, and under which names and nationalities will they commit the crime after several European citizens were listed on the Interpol-issued arrest notices as wanted by Dubai for the killing Al-Mabhouh?
- Which is the next European country that will violate international law, allowing and helping mossad agents to commit a new terror crime and murder in their country?
- Which state will have its airspace violated by Israel in order to bomb innocent citizens after Khartoum where the Israeli airstrike carried out its terror operation? Killed two and terrorized how many?
- Which is the next State after the State of Georgia that Israel plans to bribe in order to withdraw a new government project that does not serve the interest of Israel, and how many millions or billions will they pay?
- Which countries are the next targets of Israel where the Israeli Mossad will implant their agents in order to carry out different organized crimes, terror, assassinations, and espionage after dismantling the Israeli Mossad network groups in Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan and Syria, the largest spy networks known in history?
- Does Israel take into account the results and consequences of its terror operations within the borders of other states where several decent Jewish communities live, and where the Israeli “tourists” and thieves spread like garbage?